What you put in your body is of utmost importance. There’s nothing as refreshing as a nice, cold drink. That’s why water is the ultimate nutritional drink. But what can you drink Besides water that’s healthy?

Believe it or not, there are liquids out there besides water that are pretty healthy for you. Some of them contain nutrients that promote hair growth, weight loss, blood circulation and much more.

5 Healthy Drinks (Besides Water)

Let’s look at some things to drink that are good for you (besides water).


When you think about it, why wouldn’t a liquid fruit be as nutritional as it sounds (and looks)? In many cases, smoothies are just that – liquid fruit and vegetable concoctions — that fortify your body.

With smoothies, you can to take in fiber as well as protein, which lowers your risk of diseas and increases your overall wellness.

Green Tea 

Green tea is known for its medicinal properties and has been in use for centuries, especially in Asia. Drinking green tea can also help you lose or stabilize your weight.

Here are some of the ailments that green tea can also help with:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cancer

Mint Tea

Peppermint tea or mint tea is a popular drink because it has zero calories and generally tastes good. The mint flavor also acts as a natural breath freshener.

Mint tea has been known to help with the following ailments:

  • Indigestion
  • Headaches
  • Congestion
  • Sore Throat

Soy Milk

Soy milk has gotten a bad rap through the years. While many view it as imitation cow milk, soy milk stands on its own for the gentle way it treats your stomach.

Because soy milk is a plant-based substance, lactose-sensitive people can drink it with no problem. Soy milk also helps provides a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids which promote mental health issues and even some neurological ones.

Lemon Juice

Much has been said about the benefits of orange juice, and it’s all rightly deserved, but lemon juice is right up there with it.
Lemon juice gives you a strong dose of Vitamin C, which promotes bone density and strong circulation. Lemon juice is very nutritional and can counteract against heart diseases and ailments involving soft tissue.

Final Word

In addition to fruit and veggie smoothies and soy milk and similar products, there are other healthy drinks for you as well. Black coffee, which we didn’t discuss in detail, is an excellent alternative to its caffeine-laden counterpart.
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